Calculate the current in a dat (or pkl) file.
usage: [-h] [--stub stub] [--csv] [--pkl] [--excel] [input]
ifile | input file |
--stub=calculated | |
output file stub | |
--csv=False | save csv file |
--pkl=False | save pkl file |
--excel=False | save excel file (slow) |
Module author: Adam Gagorik <>
Combine the output of a series of dat files. The dat files should be in a series of directories labeled part.0, part.1, part.2, etc.
usage: [-h] [-r]
-r=False | search recursivly for parts |
adam@work:~$ ls
part.0 part.1
adam@work:~$ python combine -r
( 1/ 1) : .
adam@work:~$ ls
combined.pkl.gz part.0 part.1
Module author: Adam Gagorik <>
Gather the output of a series of pickles. The pickes should have been made using ‘’.
usage: [-h] [--stub stub] [--last #] [--equil #] [-g]
--stub=gathered | |
output file stub | |
--last=-1 | last step |
--equil | equil step |
-g=False | gathered output is grouped by os.dirname |
Module author: Adam Gagorik <>
Check simulation(s) for equilibration.
usage: equil [-h] [-r] [--ycol YCOL] [--legend] [--zoom ZOOM] [--show] [--save] [pkl [pkl ...]]
pkls | input files |
-r=False | search for files recursivly |
--ycol=drain:current | |
ycolumn to plot | |
--legend=False | show legend |
--zoom=0.05 | zoom factor |
--show=False | show plot |
--save=False | save plot |
Module author: Adam Gagorik <>
Script to analyze solar cell IV curve.
usage: [-h] [-r] [--stub stub] [--csv] [--mode str] [--shift float] [--guess float] [--recycle] [--order int] [--kind str] [--show] [--plot] [pkls [pkls ...]]
pkls | input files |
-r=False | search recursivly for files |
--stub= | output file stub |
--csv=False | save CSV file |
--mode=interp1d | |
fit method | |
--shift=1.5 | voltage shift |
--guess | v_oc guess |
--recycle=False | |
recycle current-opt paramters as initial guess for power fit | |
--order=8 | order of power series fit |
--kind=cubic | interpolation type for interp1d |
--show=False | open matplotlib window |
--plot=False | plot iv curves |
Module author: Adam Gagorik <>
Gather output from pkl files into table.
usage: [-h]
Module author: Adam Gagorik <>