Create surface using convolution.
usage: [-h] [--stub stub] [--noise str] [--kernel str] [--spacing float] [--sigma float] [--sx float] [--sy float] [--sz float] [--seed int] [--lmap] [--threshold] [--tvalue TVALUE] [--saven] [--savek] [--ext str] grid.x grid.y grid.z
xsize | grid.x |
ysize | grid.y |
zsize | grid.z |
--stub= | output file stub |
--noise=uniform | |
noise function | |
--kernel=gaussian | |
kernel function | |
--spacing=1.0 | kernel spacing |
--sigma | same as –sx # –sy # –sz # |
--sx | sigma.x for gaussian kernel |
--sy | sigma.y for gaussian kernel |
--sz | sigma.z for gaussian kernel |
--seed | random number seed |
--lmap=False | apply linear map |
--threshold=False | |
apply threshold | |
--tvalue=0.0 | threshold value |
--saven=False | save noise data |
--savek=False | save kernel data |
--ext=pkl | output file type |
Module author: Adam Gagorik <>
Create surface using ideal function.
usage: ideal [-h] [--stub stub] [--spacing float] [--lmap] [--threshold] [--tvalue TVALUE] [--ext str] grid.x grid.y grid.z int int int str
xsize | grid.x |
ysize | grid.y |
zsize | grid.z |
xwidth | size of bands, x-direction: lambda.x |
ywidth | size of bands, y-direction: lambda.y |
zwidth | size of bands, z-direction: lambda.z |
surface | surface type |
--stub= | output file stub |
--spacing=1.0 | grid spacing |
--lmap=False | apply linear map |
--threshold=False | |
apply threshold | |
--tvalue=0.0 | threshold value |
--ext=pkl | output file type |
Module author: Adam Gagorik <>
Add pepper to phase(s).
usage: pepper [-h] (--count int | --percent float) [--brush str] [--phase int] [--overlap] [--total] [--show] input output
ifile | input file |
ofile | output file |
--count | number of strokes |
--percent | calculate number of strokes based on percent of phase volume |
--brush=point | pepper brush type |
--phase=0 | phase ID |
--overlap=False | |
allow overlap | |
--total=False | compute count based on total system |
--show=False | show plot |
Module author: Adam Gagorik <>
Morph between two surfaces.
usage: [-h] [--stub stub] [--format FORMAT] [--func str] [--xvalues [str [str ...]]] [--nolmap] [--vtk] [--show] [--save] input input
ifile1 | input file 1 |
ifile2 | input file 2 |
--stub= | output file stub |
--format={stub}_{name}_{i}.{ext} | |
format of file names: use {stub},{i},{x},{y},{ext} | |
--func=x | interpolating polynomial as a string, for example: np.sin(x) |
--xvalues=np.linspace(0, 1, 10) | |
x-values as a string, for example: np.linspace(0, 1, 10) | |
--nolmap=True | do not map yvalues to [0,1] |
--vtk=False | save vtk files for paraview animation |
--show=False | show mpl plot |
--save=False | save mpl plot |
Module author: Adam Gagorik <>
Convolute two data sets.
usage: [-h] [--stub stub] [--mode str] input [input]
inputA | input file 1 |
inputB | input file 2 |
--stub= | output file stub |
--mode=same | see scipy.signal.convolve |
Module author: Adam Gagorik <>
Compute avg, std, min, max, rng, corrcoeffs, skew, kurtosis for data sets.
usage: [-h] [--stub stub] input [input]
inputA | input file 1 |
inputB | input file 2 |
--stub= | output file stub |
Module author: Adam Gagorik <>
Perform RDF on surface or KPFM image. This script takes some time.
usage: [-h] [--stub stub] input
ifile | input file |
--stub= | output file stub |
Module author: Adam Gagorik <>
Perform FFT on surface or KPFM image.
usage: [-h] [--stub stub] [--nodetrend] [--window] [--lmap] input
ifile | input file |
--stub= | output file stub |
--nodetrend=False | |
do not subtract average from signal | |
--window=False | multiply signal by hamming window |
--lmap=False | map values to 0,1 |
Module author: Adam Gagorik <>