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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CLangmuirCore::ConfigurationInfoA struct to temporarily store site IDs
 CLangmuirView::IsoSurfaceDialogA class to get isosurface parameters from the user
 CLangmuirView::PointDialogA class to get point cloud properties from the user
 CLangmuirCore::OutputInfoBrief A class to generate file names using the SimulationParameters
 CLangmuirView::LangmuirViewerWidget to view Langmuir Simulation in real time
 CLangmuirView::MainWindowA window with an OpenGL widget
 CLangmuirCore::AgentA class that abstractly represents an object that can occupy grid sites
 CLangmuirCore::ChargeAgentA class to represent moving charged particles
 CLangmuirCore::ElectronAgentA class to represent moving negative charges
 CLangmuirCore::HoleAgentA class to represent moving positive charges
 CLangmuirCore::FluxAgentA class to change the number of carriers in the system
 CLangmuirCore::DrainAgentA class to remove charges
 CLangmuirCore::ElectronDrainAgentA class to remove ElectronAgents
 CLangmuirCore::HoleDrainAgentA class to remove HoleAgents
 CLangmuirCore::RecombinationAgentA class to remove Excitons
 CLangmuirCore::SourceAgentA class to inject charges
 CLangmuirCore::ElectronSourceAgentA class to inject ElectronAgents
 CLangmuirCore::ExcitonSourceAgentA class to inject Excitons
 CLangmuirCore::HoleSourceAgentA class to inject HoleAgents
 CLangmuirCore::CarrierWriterA class to output carrier stats (lifetime and pathlength)
 CLangmuirCore::CheckPointerA class to read and write checkpoint files
 CLangmuirCore::CommandLineParserA class to parse command line arguments
 CLangmuirCore::ExcitonWriterA class to output exciton stats (lifetime and pathlength)
 CLangmuirCore::FluxWriterA class to output source and drain info
 CLangmuirCore::GridA class to hold Agents, calculate their positions, and store the background potential
 CLangmuirCore::GridImageA class to draw images of the grid
 CLangmuirCore::KeyValueParserA class to read the parameters and store them in the correct place
 CLangmuirCore::LoggerA class that organizes output
 CLangmuirCore::NodeFileParserA class to parse the PBS_NODEFILE and PBS_GPUFILE
 CLangmuirCore::OpenClHelperA class to run OpenCL calculations
 CLangmuirCore::OutputStreamA class to combine QFile, QTextStream and OutputInfo (QFileInfo)
 CLangmuirCore::PotentialA class to calculate the potential
 CLangmuirCore::RandomA class to generate random numbers
 CLangmuirCore::SimulationA class to orchestrate the calculation
 CLangmuirCore::VariableA class to map between variable names (keys) and locations (references)
 CLangmuirCore::TypedVariable< T >A template class to map between variable names (keys) and locations (references)
 CLangmuirCore::WorldA class to hold all objects in a simulation
 CLangmuirCore::XYZWriterA class to output xyz files
 CLangmuirView::MarchingCubes::IsosurfaceA class to compute a contour iso-surface
 CLangmuirView::MarchingCubes::TriangleContainer for vertices and normals of triangle
 CLangmuirView::SceneObjectBase class for objects in OpenGL scene
 CLangmuirView::AxisA class to represent an xyz axis
 CLangmuirView::CornerAxisA class to represent an xyz axis that doesnt change size/position
 CLangmuirView::BoxA class to represent a textured box
 CLangmuirView::GridA class to represent simulation grid
 CLangmuirView::LightA class to represent a light source
 CLangmuirView::MeshA class to represent a mesh
 CLangmuirView::PointCloudA class to represent a point cloud
 CLangmuirView::ColorButtonA class to open color dialogs by clicking
 CLangmuirCore::OutputStreamA class to combine QFile, QTextStream and OutputInfo (QFileInfo)
 CLangmuirCore::SimulationParametersA struct to store all simulation options