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▼NLangmuirCore | |
CAgent | A class that abstractly represents an object that can occupy grid sites |
CCarrierWriter | A class to output carrier stats (lifetime and pathlength) |
CChargeAgent | A class to represent moving charged particles |
CCheckPointer | A class to read and write checkpoint files |
CCommandLineParser | A class to parse command line arguments |
CConfigurationInfo | A struct to temporarily store site IDs |
CDrainAgent | A class to remove charges |
CElectronAgent | A class to represent moving negative charges |
CElectronDrainAgent | A class to remove ElectronAgents |
CElectronSourceAgent | A class to inject ElectronAgents |
CExcitonSourceAgent | A class to inject Excitons |
CExcitonWriter | A class to output exciton stats (lifetime and pathlength) |
CFluxAgent | A class to change the number of carriers in the system |
CFluxWriter | A class to output source and drain info |
CGrid | A class to hold Agents, calculate their positions, and store the background potential |
CGridImage | A class to draw images of the grid |
CHoleAgent | A class to represent moving positive charges |
CHoleDrainAgent | A class to remove HoleAgents |
CHoleSourceAgent | A class to inject HoleAgents |
CKeyValueParser | A class to read the parameters and store them in the correct place |
CLogger | A class that organizes output |
CNodeFileParser | A class to parse the PBS_NODEFILE and PBS_GPUFILE |
COpenClHelper | A class to run OpenCL calculations |
COutputInfo | Brief A class to generate file names using the SimulationParameters |
COutputStream | A class to combine QFile, QTextStream and OutputInfo (QFileInfo) |
CPotential | A class to calculate the potential |
CRandom | A class to generate random numbers |
CRecombinationAgent | A class to remove Excitons |
CSimulation | A class to orchestrate the calculation |
CSimulationParameters | A struct to store all simulation options |
CSourceAgent | A class to inject charges |
CTypedVariable | A template class to map between variable names (keys) and locations (references) |
CVariable | A class to map between variable names (keys) and locations (references) |
CWorld | A class to hold all objects in a simulation |
CXYZWriter | A class to output xyz files |
▼NLangmuirView | |
▼NMarchingCubes | |
CIsosurface | A class to compute a contour iso-surface |
CTriangle | Container for vertices and normals of triangle |
CAxis | A class to represent an xyz axis |
CBox | A class to represent a textured box |
CColorButton | A class to open color dialogs by clicking |
CCornerAxis | A class to represent an xyz axis that doesnt change size/position |
CGrid | A class to represent simulation grid |
CIsoSurfaceDialog | A class to get isosurface parameters from the user |
CLangmuirViewer | Widget to view Langmuir Simulation in real time |
CLight | A class to represent a light source |
CMainWindow | A window with an OpenGL widget |
CMesh | A class to represent a mesh |
CPointCloud | A class to represent a point cloud |
CPointDialog | A class to get point cloud properties from the user |
CSceneObject | Base class for objects in OpenGL scene |